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DBT Skills Training Series
for Young Adults

Do you want to learn more effective strategies to manage stress, emotions, relationships, and yourself? Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills training is a class to learn skills to improve one’s ability to cope with daily stress and life. It is not group therapy.

This series is for individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 who are out of high school and may be in college, working, or in transition.


​Mindfulness & Interpersonal Effectiveness

January 15, 2025 through March, 19, 2025.

Wednesdays 6-8p

This program is 100% virtual.


How to join and participate in the DBT skills training program:


  • Individuals can join at the start of any series.

  • It is recommended that individuals complete every module twice (two rounds) to formally graduate the program, particularly for individuals formally in DBT.

  • Some may decide completing one round is sufficient.

  • Completion of all the modules do not have to occur in order to accommodate the changes in young adult life.

  • And of course, completion of a full round is voluntary. 


For additional details, please see below.


Skills training is not therapy and does not replace individual therapy. Participants are expected to obtain and maintain individual therapy to throughout the entire participation in DBT skills training. Therapy is a separate service.


This DBT Skills training program is set up for participants to join by series. 


January - March:                       Mindfulness & Interpersonal Effectiveness

April - June:                              Mindfulness & Emotion Regulation

September - November:         Mindfulness & Distress Tolerance

Mindfulness and Interpersonal Effectiveness Series

Course Details


The series is focused on learning communication and coping skills to effectively navigate and manage interactions and relationships with others The goal to replace unhelpful and ineffective approaches with effective techniques.




This course is Wednesday nights 

6-8 pm on Zoom. 

Class from January 15, 2025 - March 19, 2025.  


Requirements to participate


Potential participants must


  • have a therapist in place who will maintain this service during the entire series

  • ensure the therapist will communicate with skills trainers

  • authorize communication with necessary treatment providers

  • complete necessary paperwork prior to intake

  • pay for the intake meeting upfront

  • participate in an individual intake meeting

  • pay for the course or provide a down payment
  • obtain the Marsha Linehan’s DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets (2015) by the first meeting (this can be found on Guilford or Amazon)

  • and be ready to attend starting on the first day






Payment options


New members are required to attend an intake session before group starts. The rate for this is $200. 


Please be aware you are buying a course, not signing up for individual sessions. This means any classes not attended are non-refundable including if you drop out, or are removed from the class. Remaining balances will be charged at point of discharge.


Plan 1:

Pay in full prior to the first group is $720.


Plan 2: 

Two installments of $378 one due prior to the first group and the second payment by January 29th. Payments are processed automatically with a credit card on file.


Plan 3.

3 installments of $264 with the first due before the first group, the second by January 29th and finally the third by February 12th. Payments are processed automatically with a credit card on file.


"Superbills" can be provided upon request for sessions attended. Insurance  companies do not reimburse for groups missed. Insurance only pays for attended sessions. 

What people are saying about learning DBT Skills:


  • "Participating in DBT skills training online is so convenient and fits my schedule. I was surprised how comfortable it was!"

  • “I have learned so many new skills which has helped me handle many situations more effectively.”

  • “Using my DBT skills on a regular basis has definitely improved my relationships. My loved ones noticed too!”

  • “I can speak up for myself effectively without getting into a massive conflict. It feels really good being more in control of how I manage my emotions and interact with others.”

  • “I use DBT skills each day and have found I am more confident in myself to handle things that come my way.”

Have questions?
Please review FAQs below


  1. What if I can't attend the first day, can I still attend?

    1. ​No. This class sets the foundation for the rest of the series.​​

  2. What if I don't like it? Can I quit?

    1. Yes. This class is entirely voluntary; however, you will be expected to pay in full for the class.​

  3. Do I have to be on camera? What if I am uncomfortable?

    1. Yes, you need to be on camera. Any rare exceptions will be approved to coleader.

    2. It can be uncomfortable for others when your screen is off.

    3. You can choose to hide "self-view" so you don't have to look at yourself.

  4. What do I do if I no longer want to do individual therapy?

    1. Keep doing it! 

    2. ​Talk to your therapist about your issue with therapy. Issues can arise between the therapist and client from time-to-time.

    3. Stay in therapy until you find a new therapist as they are hard to come by.

    4. Stay in therapy until the end of the DBT skills series so you can finish the series.

    5. If you drop out of therapy, you drop out of skills training.​

  5. What if I had a bad day and am too upset to come?​

    1. This is a perfect reason to come as the group is full of people who understand! And, isn't this why you joined?​

    2. You are expected to come anyways. You can obtain coaching from your therapist, coleader, or skills trainer to identify skills to help you get through group.

    3. Missing skills will not help!

    4. Coleaders are part of DBT to support individuals during group when:

      1. Emotions get to be too much​

      2. When participants need skills coaching to manage staying in group

      3. When participants get lost in the material.

  6. ​​What do I do if I miss a session?

    1. You can schedule a 1:1 session with a coleader to review the skill you missed.

    2. You can read the email about what was taught and review the materials independently.

    3. You can still do the practice, ask the coleader questions if you have trouble, and ask about your difficulty practicing in the next session.

    4. You will get an email about what was taught and the homework practice.

  7.  Can I get my money back?

    1. No, this class is nonrefundable.

      1. You are purchasing the class.

      2. You have purchased a spot that another may have wanted.

      3. You cannot give up your spot to someone else.

  8. Can I use my phone?

    1. If you have to. Turn off your notifications and place your phone on Do Not Disturb.

    2. Computers are preferred for a few reasons:​

      1. To see and respond to chats sent by the coleaders.​

      2. So you can see everyone and are more part of the group.

  9. I live in a dorm. I don't have my own space. What do I do?

    1. You can negotiate to have the room to yourself for Tuesdays from 6:30-8.

    2. You can find a study room on campus (often libraries).

    3. You can borrow a friend's room for the time.

  10. Can I participate without my camera? ​

    1. Although we have times we may not think we look our best, we all keep cameras on.

    2. You can use the "hide self view" feature so you only look at others and not yourself.

    3. Seeing each other creates a stronger group and if only some have cameras on, it feels uncomfortable. 

    4. People do turn cameras off for short periods of time - e.g. those lovely moments of sneezing or coughing, quick trips to the bathroom, when needing to get up to get a pen and the movement might be disruptive, etc.

  11. Can I participate if I have headphones in and someone is in the room?

    1. ​No. You need to be alone. Headphones are helpful to reduce distraction for you, reduce noise pollution to the group, and reduce the possibility that those outside of the room may her others in the group.

  12. Can I participate from my car?

    1. Yes as long as no one else can see others in the group or hear others in the group.​

    2. No one can be in the car with you.

    3. Please have whatever you need to be comfortable.

    4. Be sure you have a safe space to park as you can be vulnerable sitting in your car for long periods of time.

  13. Do I have homework?

    1. Yes, your "homework" is to practice the skills you learn. There are worksheets to guide you in your practice and track your practice.

    2. The more you practice, the better mastery you obtain.

    3. Although this is a "class" and there are practice worksheets, your worksheets are not graded.

  14. Do I have to share my homework?

    1. Yes, that is how the skills trainer coaches you on accuracy and help build your effectiveness.​

    2. No, sharing is voluntary and sometimes your practice may be private.

  15. Do I have to participate in the skills coaching program?​

    1. No, it is voluntary.​

    2. However, there is no added fee so take advantage!

    3. These sessions can be beneficial to individualize your practice to more private situations or if your therapist is not trained in DBT.

  16. Once I am in class, do I have to do an intake for the next group?​

    1. No, you only have to do this once.​

  17. Once I am in the class​, could I get bumped from the next class?

    1. All current members get priority. ​

    2. Current members need to commit before it is opened to outside individuals. Once the group is full, current members may not obtain a spot.

  18. How can I be sure I can continue with DBT once the series ends?​

    1. You inform the skills trainer that you plan to attend and how you want to pay. ​

    2. The skills trainer charges your card and the spot is yours!

    3. However, if the group didn't seem to be a match, you may be informed to seek services elsewhere. It isn't fair or ethical to keep providing services to you that is not effective.

  19. What if I take a break from the next series, can I come back in the future?​

    1. Yes! Life happens and young adults have a lot of changes in their lives. ​

    2. To return, simply email the skills trainer, express desire to participate, complete and update your paperwork, and if there is room, pay for your spot! There is no need to do an intake.

    3. If the group didn't seem to be a match, you may be informed to seek services elsewhere. It isn't fair or ethical to keep providing services to you that is not effective.

    4. If it has been a few years, you may be asked to complete an intake again.

  20. Any other questions? ​

    1. Create a list for your intake meeting.​

    2. Send a list of questions by email by clicking the button below. Some questions are discussed and answered during the intake.

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